Youth Summerball
Shayna Murrell
Parks & Recreation Director
Email Parks & Rec Director
General Information
Blast Ball (coed), which is an introductory tee-ball. It is available for children who are 3 and 4 years of age. It is very basic, helping kids get used to hitting off a tee, running to first base, and fielding the ball. The base squeaks, which is a hit for all! Coaches may add in the rest of the bases as the season progresses based on skill level. All games are played at Lawson Park 11661 N 141st Street on Monday evenings, season is May 6 to June 17.
Cost: $35
Open Registration: Feb 12 - April 4
Season: May 5 - June 16
Blastball Rules and Objectives.doc
Tee Ball (coed) is available for kids who are 5 and 6 years old. Games are played on Wednesday evenings at various Waverly fields. Included with tee ball registration: t-shirt and you can purchase a cap at an extra cost, season is May 8 to June 19.
Cost: $45
Open Registration: Feb 12 - April 4
Season: May 7 - June 18
Girls coach pitch softball offered for recommended ages 7 and 8. 9 year old and above will be player pitch. Games are played against other area southeast area teams and will be played home or away. Registration will include a uniform shirt and visor. Players may provide their own pants and socks. Games are once per week, season is Early May to Late June.
Cost: $95
Open Registration: Dec 31 - Feb 3
Season: Early May - Late June
*Please note: No registrations will be accepted after the deadline. If an exception is made, there will be a $10 late fee penalty charge.
Boys coach pitch baseball is offered for recommended ages 7 and 8. 9 year old and above will be player pitch. Games are played against other area southeast area teams and will be played home or away. Registration will include a uniform shirt and hat. Players may provide their own pants and socks. A players draft will be held prior to the season to determine teams if more than two teams. Games are once/twice per week, season is Early May to Late June.
Cost: $95
Open Registration: Dec 31 - Feb 3
Season: Early May - Late June
*Please note: No registrations will be accepted after the deadline. If an exception is made, there will be a $10 late fee penalty charge.
In case of rain or bad weather, please contact our cancelation hotline at 402-786-2412 Note: Cancelation information will be updated by 8:15am on Saturday Mornings and by 4:30pm Weekdays. Please check the cancelation line before you leave your home in case weather changes.
Concussion Awareness in Youth Sports
Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Parents
Before each season, all Coaches will be given a copy of CDC’s “Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports, A Fact Sheet for Coaches” document or a similar document provided by the City of Waverly’s Parks and Recreation Department.
Coaches, on their own time, will watch the educational video.
For more information about Concussion Awareness in Youth Sports Click Here