Meeting Notice
Parks, Recreation, & Tree Advisory Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 4 at 5:30 p.m.
Community Meeting Hall 14130 Lancashire St. Waverly, NE
*Note Meeting Date Change*
City Council Meeting
Tuesday, February 11 at 6:00 p.m.
Community Meeting Hall 14130 Lancashire St. Waverly, NE
Planning Commission Meeting
Monday, February 24 at 5:30 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING: Redevelopment Plan for an area designated blighted & substandard and in need or redevelopment, referred to as the West Redevelopment Area, pursuant to Nebr. Community Development Law.
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance Amending the Waverly Zoning Regulations, Article 4, Relating to Communications Tower Regulations in a Zoning District.
Community Meeting Hall 14130 Lancashire St. Waverly, NE
*Note Meeting Time Change*
City Council Meeting:
Tuesday, February 25 at 6:00 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance Amending the Waverly Zoning Regulations, Article 4, Relating to Communications Tower Regulations in a Zoning District.
Community Meeting Hall 14130 Lancashire St. Waverly, NE
Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA) Meeting:
Wednesday, February 26 at 5:00 p.m.
Community Meeting Hall 14130 Lancashire St. Waverly, NE
City Council Quarterly Planning Meeting:
Thursday, February 27 from 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Community Meeting Hall 14130 Lancashire St. Waverly, NE
An up-to-date agenda is available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk. Individuals requiring physical or sensory accommodations should contact the City Clerk at 402-786-2312 at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.
The finalized agenda will be available 24 hours prior to the meeting HERE.
NEW! Watch the Waverly City Council Meetings here:
(Uploaded the following day.)
Meeting Notices are published in the City Office 14130 Lancashire St, the U.S. Post Office 10850 N 142 St, and Russ's Market & Express 13901 Guildford St.
Meeting Dates: City Council meetings are held the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA) (formerly Community Development Agency (CDA)) meetings TBD
Parks & Rec Committee meets on the first (1st) Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Planning Commission meets on the fourth (4th) Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Individuals requiring physical or sensory accommodations should contact the City Clerk at (402) 786-2312 five (5) days prior to the meeting.